History and philosophy of yoga

Yoga is an ancient discipline whose origins are lost in the mists of time, there are no certain dates in this regard, some researchers estimate its origin to 6000 years ago. Its mysterious story is reported with myths and legends that see men and gods involved in intricate vicissitudes; it was a tradition transmitted orally from master to pupil and the first written texts date back to around 1600 BC.

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Master of Yoga Masters Krishnamacharya

It originated in India and from the beginning of the last century thanks to some relevant masters, it has had a gradual diffusion which in recent years is increasing exponentially: in America the practitioners of this discipline have increased fivefold in the last decade and today it is estimated that they are well 20 million, in a similar way it is spreading like wildfire in Italy too.

This rapid diffusion, while desirable, does not keep up with a clear knowledge of yoga and the proposals that are found often have little to do with this discipline.

In the most classic sense of the term yoga is a philosophy. It is an elaboration and synthesis of ancient currents of thought which, like all ancient Indian philosophies, had the ambitious aim of finding a definitive solution to the problem of suffering.

This research starts from the consideration that all the happiness and pleasure that we can obtain from the outside are impermanent, thus inevitably ending with suffering.

Krishnanamacharya1This philosophy holds that as the mind becomes deeply peaceful and thoughtless, a state of consciousness is achieved in which one can experience an unconditional and imperishable joy that has always been part of us.

Among the fundamental texts of this philosophy are the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, in which the steps of the practice and the various stages of meditation are methodically described which gradually lead to the state of absence of thoughts which is called samadhi or realization of the Self. This state of consciousness, of unchanging and growing joy, is the original and classic purpose of yoga, not flexibility, health or stress resolution.

In later and all in all recent times, bodily practices of physical exercises have been elaborated, the first text in this regard is the "Hatayoga Pradipika" (1400 AD) and as clearly expressed in the first lines the purpose of the practice, while involving the body is the realization of the state of samadhi. Here are described the main physical and respiratory exercises whose purpose, consistent with the original intentions, is to loosen the body and mind from tensions and stiffness, and enter a state of deep stillness and concentration, so in this psychophysical state meditation becomes more easily possible.

Coming to the West this aspect has been almost totally forgotten and yoga from a path of transcendence has become a means of fitness, anti-stress and well-being.

Which is not a bad thing, after all yoga offers a set of psychophysical techniques that can be used effectively for the most varied purposes.

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And again the type of training, experience and professionalism of the teacher are determining factors.

A modern proposal but consistent with the classical tradition is necessary to honor this millenary discipline, which if properly practiced can be an extraordinary tool for psychophysical well-being and, for the more ambitious, a possibility to contact and regenerate at the infinite source of unconditional joy that is in each of us.


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