Pilates - Group lessons

Too sedentary life or wrong physical activity? Find out how to solve the physical problems you've been living with for too long and have fun together with other people with the same needs as you

Have you ever thought that the cause of your problems could be incorrect physical activity or a too sedentary life?

A sedentary life, too many hours sitting at a desk or sitting in the car, an old physical trauma, emotional tension, heavy work, excessive stress that you can't recover from, but also a sport played with incorrect attitudes are the cause of a excessive and incorrect wear of the joints and the body in general.

All of this led to the pain or discomfort you have now.

Very often forced by events, by the frenzy of society, you forgot about yourself, so you anesthetized the sensations of your body and the messages it gave you, without realizing that your body needed you to dedicate a couple of hours a week to keep him fit. The continuation of these incorrect habits of yours has stiffened your body, limiting its movement and its elasticity.

"If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30 you are old, if it is fully flexible at 60 you are young"

- Josef H. Pilates

Here's how pilates can help you solve these problems

These working hours won't be boring but you will enjoy spending time with friends and people just like you.

Here are the principles of pilates, the ones that will help you improve and raise awareness of your body:

Concentration – Presence, concentration on your body helps you not to dissociate body and mind.

Accuracy – Accuracy leads you to work where you have the problem in a global way and increase knowledge of your body.

Fluidity – Fluidity ensures that you learn to avoid sudden rebounds that cause micro-traumas to the joints.

Control – Controlling the body does not mean commanding it like a general, but having more knowledge of your motor patterns increases your motor intelligence, being more responsive in solving a motor problem. For example knowing how to recover from a start of stumbling or slipping without ending up sitting on the ground.

Center – A good control of your center of gravity helps you avoid risky situations, which can cause you physical problems.

Breath – Breath allows you to relax and recover from the stress your body is undergoing and also by synchronizing breaths with movement you will have a stronger and more stable back and a more relaxed neck.

Why should I contact you?

If you want to solve your problem, don't rely on just anyone, look for a professional. Here you will have the certainty of being followed by two professionals of movement and postural gymnastics like Giorgio and Mattia with 15 years of experience and studies, who with their work will take care of your body teaching you how to move it to have more flexibility. As J.H.Pilates wrote: «do not be interested in developing swollen muscles but rather flexible muscles», and this is what we do.

Are you wondering how many times a week you will have to do group pilates?

We ask you to follow us 2 times a week to have the right balance between body adaptation and work.

If I want to play more than twice?
We therefore advise you to combine it with specific work individually with machines or with excellent aerobic activity in an open environment (such as a walk in the woods, running or cycling), or any other sporting activity. Or even, as an alternative activity, YOGA with our teacher Shanti. Ask us and we will be happy to advise you.

Posso iniziare anche se la stagione è già iniziata? Ho paura di non essere bravo o brava come le altre, o di sbagliare e farmi male?
Questo problema non c’è perché prima di iniziare il lavoro di gruppo ti chiediamo di svolgere 5 incontri individuali, così quando entrerai nel gruppo, non ti sentirai abbandonata e non avrai alcun tipo di trauma. In questo modo potrai inserirti nei gruppi in qualsiasi momento dell’anno.

How can this benefit me in everyday life?
You will have more confidence on your balance and when you move. You will improve your overall coordination. You will no longer risk slipping and falling as before because your reflexes will increase. You will release the tensions that make you feel pain, not only in your back or joints but also the tensions that cause you headaches. This way you'll be able to turn around better when backing up, or be able to bend down to pick something up with less difficulty. You will rebalance all the tensions within your body without them becoming unbalanced and sending the joints into crisis. You will increase the elasticity of your tissues, therefore of the whole body.

Does the buttock become more toned?

  • Improve body tone, firm your tissues.
  • Increase the elasticity of your tissues, therefore of the whole body, not just the buttock becomes more toned.
  • Improve perception, and vision of your body and yourself.

Does it help me relax and release tension?

  • Improve your breathing and you will learn different ways to breathe, depending on your needs.
  • Improve your ability to focus.
  • Ease your stress level.
  • You will improve your bearing (how you carry and wear your body) therefore you will also change the image you perceive of yourself and how others see you, acquiring more confidence.


If you really want to solve your problem, contact us and book your first appointment.

Book your first appointment now
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La Grande Onda Snc

Studio Pilates & Yoga Città di Castello
Registered Office Via Collodi n.3 - 06012 Città di Castello (PG)
P.Iva 03287890549 | Rea PG772988
Pec: lagrandeonda@legalmail.it - e-mail: contatti@lagrandeonda.org
Phone. +39 075 852.23.51

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+39 371 17.51.807 Via Collodi n.3 06012 Città di Castello PG